1)      Knowing Your Accomplishments-

Candidates must sit down with their resume and for the last 5 years write down the top 3 projects that they accomplished in each year.      When the candidate is faced with a tough question, he/she is able to articulate his/her accomplishments without rambling.

2)      Asking Questions-

          Three areas you should be asking questions about:

                   a)      Questions about the company

                   b)      Questions about the product line

                   c)      Questions about the position

3)      Taking Control of the Interview-

          Candidates can get control by first taking “90 seconds”- no more than          two minutes and tell them about yourself. Tell them where you’ve been, what your biggest accomplishments were while you were there, and why you left. Then take 10-15 seconds and tell them what you goals are and what type of job/career you are presently looking for.  After making this short presentation, you then want to ask them these two questions so you can sell back the appropriate accomplishments.

a)      What do they want to see this person accomplish in the position the first year?

b)      What is the ideal background or profile they want to see in a candidate?

4)      Compensation-

Candidates should stay away from compensation and benefits in the first interview; unless they bring it up! If they bring it up, you can tell them how much you made in the past; what you are making now; and what you hope to make in the future. More importantly, if they open it up, it gives you the opportunity to find out from them what their top people are making in a similar position.

5)      Being Evaluated-

Somewhere in the interviewing process, candidates should find out how they are going to be evaluated. Most people wait until they are on the new job 6 to 9 months and then want some formal feedback of how they are doing and when they are going to be evaluated to maybe get that first raise in salary.

6)      Handling Objections-

          Sometimes prospective employers will be telling you about the good things about the position and then before you know it, they’re telling you about the negatives. Generally they want to see how many objections/negatives this person can professionally handle to maintain their interest in the position.

7)      Stress Question-

Stress questions are the kind of questions that make you want to ball up your fist; punch them in the mouth; and leave. Different people get different kinds of stress questions. Candidates should first defuse stress question with humor and then focus on their accomplishments.

8)      Closing Employers-

          Three closes are recommended and you need to put the closes in your own words, with your own salesmanship with the proper timing.


“Mr. Employer, I’m confident I can do this job because….” 1-2-3……3 majors reasons that you pick up in the interview why the company should hire you.


          “Mr. Employer, I’m confident I would enjoy doing this           job because………” 1-2-3….3 or more reasons why you are               excited about this position.


                   “Can you see me in this job -doing it successfully?”

9)      Attire-

          Guys: no flowery ties, shined shoes & trimmed hair. If you are over 40 or have gray in your hair, no gray suits are to be worn to the interview. Wear little or no jewelry and cologne. Ladies: no high heels, dark hose and minimize jewelry, perfume, make-up.

10)    Follow-up Letter-

Follow-up letters are necessary after an interview if you are interested         in the job. You should e-mail the letter and mail the hard copy. Don’t thank them for the interview, but do tell them you are interested in the position and you would be an asset to their company.